Central Park of Adana


What could be better than exploring a park? Well, I think its only made better by doing so with at least one friend! So come along with us and explore it too!

My friend Hannah and I started our stroll at the north side of the park from the Galleria Mall, heading towards the Sabancı Merkez Camii (Mosque). Along the way we witnessed many beautiful fountains, numerous play areas for children, and countless shaded areas for picnics.

Many families or groups sat enjoying picturesque picnics under the trees. Children could be seen running to and fro, eating, laughing, and enjoying the many available play areas. (We decided it would be kindest to not take many photos of those enjoying the park, allowing them the comfort and peace they were seeking.) We only witnessed one cotton candy seller selling his wares to groups who enjoyed his light snack.

Making our way towards the mosque, we were able to check out many sculptures, and pieces of art set up for enjoyment throughout the park. A small overlook hill had a walkway lined with tastefully trimmed shrubs. From the top is a great view of the park and the mosque at the far end.

There is a main walkway leading from the park’s north end to the mosque at the south, with many side passages intersecting that lead to other park areas. We also passed by an open area to the left of the main walkway where younger men had assembled to play football in a large field.


As we made our way down the main pathway the mosque appeared more impressive with each step forward. The rain storm following us did end up letting loose soon after we made it to our next destination. But it was perfect timing because we experienced the peaceful park along with a cool breeze and a delightful amount of shade!


I would highly recommend enjoying a walk or picnic in the park, especially this one!

Where could you picture yourself in Adana’s central park?


Originally posted on exploreadana.com

Written By: Serena Swords

Photography By: Serena Swords

Photographs Edited By: Hannah Greer


Serena Swords

A self-proclaimed “Calitexoman” (hailing from California, Texas, and Oklahoma), Serena is an eclectic mix of all of the places she has called home. Her most recent domicile is Norman, Oklahoma where she is a student at The University of Oklahoma studying International Relations and Administration. In laymen’s terms that means “event planner of the world,” as she hopes to connect businesses cross-culturally. Serena loves traveling, exploring new places, and most of all making new friends. While her impressive 5’10” frame makes the opposing volleyball team shake like a leaf, those of us that know her well love her affable demeanor and profoundly positive perspective on life. After you have explored all of her work on West2East and Explore Adana, you can find her personal work here.