A Quick Snapshot of Ancient Antioch
Wandering through the streets may have been my favorite part of visiting Antakya (“Antioch” in English). There were so many little shops and restaurants to explore, including this beautiful scarf store. Since many women wear head coverings in Turkey, the demand is always high for them. They range in color, texture, and length. It has been fascinating to learn about the history, implications, and reasons behind covering one’s head.
2—St. Peter’s Church
A famous tourist attraction in Antioch is the Church of St. Peter. On the side of Mount Starius lies a carved church building that dates back to the first and second centuries. Antioch’s history is one rich and deep in culture and meaning. Beholding the preserved ancient treasures of this city never fails to amaze me.
3—Overlook of the City
Part of what makes overlooking the city of Antioch so surreal is the reality that the remains of the ancient Roman Empire lie underneath the current city. Not only was Antioch the capital of Syria at the time, but it was known for being the most influential and significant city of the Roman Empire following Rome and Alexandria. It has been preserved through the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, filling its streets with undeniable treasures of years past.
4—The Sky
While my friends and I walked around the city, we could not help but notice the how clear and blue the sky was. The sunset outlined the hill country in a truly breathtaking way. Although Antioch has been a booming city of activity for over two thousand years, it has always maintained a natural and effortless beauty.
5—An Orthodox Church
We had an opportunity to tour around a beautiful Orthodox church, located in the middle of the city. It was a unique experience to go from a bustling streetside into a quiet courtyard. The architecture and furnishings blew me away, especially considering how it was rebuilt after a fire in the late 1800s. I have never researched extensively on the unique ethnic community of Orthodox Christians in this part of the world, so I found the tour to be both beautiful and insightful.
On the way out of the city, I snapped one more photo of the beautiful hills surrounding Antioch. The views of Antioch are just the beginning of the beauty the city has to offer. It is really the culture and people that make visiting the East so special. The scenery is just the cherry on top!